Source code for

__author__ = "Piotr Gawlowicz, Mikolaj Chwalisz, Zubow"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2015, Technische Universitat Berlin"
__version__ = "0.1.0"
__email__ = "{gawlowicz, chwalisz, zubow}"

from wishful_upis.meta_models import Attribute, Measurement, Event, Action

# The protocol-specific definition of the WiSHFUL network control interface, UPI_N, for configuration/monitoring of the higher
# layers of the network protocol stack (upper MAC and higher).
# IEEE 802.11 protocol family

DOT_80211_MODE = Attribute(key='DOT_80211_MODE', type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: Mode of device: STA, AP, P2P, MESH, AD-HOC
DOT_80211_STA_BLACKLIST = Attribute(key='DOT_80211_STA_BLACKLIST', type=str, isReadOnly=False) #: List of MAC addressed of blacklisted STAs
DOT_80211_STA_TX_POWER = Attribute(key='DOT_80211_STA_TX_POWER', type=int, isReadOnly=False) #: Per STA TX power

DOT_80211_AP_NUMBER = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_NUMBER', type=int) #: Number of APs in communication range
DOT_80211_STA_NUMBER = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_NUMBER', type=int) #: Number of STAs in communication range
DOT_80211_SEEN_SSIDS = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_SEEN_SSIDS', type=str) #: List of SSIDs seen in communication range
DOT_80211_CONNECTED_STA_NUMBER = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_CONNECTED_STA_NUMBER', type=int) #: Number of connected STAs to AP
DOT_80211_STA_RSSI = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_RSSI', type=str) #: Per-STA RSSI
DOT_80211_STA_TX_BITRATE = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_TX_BITRATE', type=str) #: Per-STA bitrate
DOT_80211_STA_TX_BYTES = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_TX_BYTES', type=str) #: Per-STA TX bytes
DOT_80211_STA_TX_PKTS = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_TX_PKTS', type=str) #: Per-STA TX packets
DOT_80211_STA_RX_BYTES = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_RX_BYTES', type=str) #: Per-STA RX bytes
DOT_80211_STA_RX_PKTS = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_RX_PKTS', type=str) #: Per-STA RX packets
DOT_80211_STA_INACTIVE_TIME = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_INACTIVE_TIME', type=str) #: Per-STA inactivity time
DOT_80211_STA_RETRY_NUM = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_RETRY_NUM', type=str) #: Per-STA TX retries number
DOT_80211_STA_TX_FAILED = Measurement(key='DOT_80211_STA_TX_FAILED', type=str) #: Per-STA number of failed transmissions

DOT_80211_PROBE_REQUEST = Event(key='DOT_80211_PROBE_REQUEST', type=None) #: Event triggered on Probe Request reception
DOT_80211_STA_CONNECTED = Event(key='DOT_80211_STA_CONNECTED', type=None) #: Event triggered on STA connection to AP
DOT_80211_STA_DISCONNECTED = Event(key='DOT_80211_STA_DISCONNECTED', type=None) #: Event triggered on STA disconnection from AP
DOT_80211_STA_LOSS = Event(key='DOT_80211_STA_LOSS', type=None) #: Event triggered when STA lost connection with AP

DOT_80211_SCAN = Action(key='DOT_80211_SCAN', args_types=int, return_type=bool) #: Perform scanning
DOT_80211_CONNECT = Action(key='DOT_80211_CONNECT', args_types=str, return_type=bool) #: Connect to network by SSID
DOT_80211_DISCONNECT = Action(key='DOT_80211_DISCONNECT', args_types=str, return_type=bool) #: Disconnect from network

# Upper MAC layer
[docs]def set_hostapd_conf(iface, file_path, channel, essid): '''Set hostapd configuration, provide functionality to setting Access Point station ''' pass
[docs]def start_hostapd(file_path): '''Start hostapd, provide functionality to run Access Point ''' pass
[docs]def stop_hostapd(): '''Stop hostapd, provide functionality to stop Access Point ''' pass
[docs]def connect_to_network(iface, ssid): '''Connects a given interface to some network e.g. WiFi network identified by SSID. ''' return
[docs]def network_dump(iface): '''Return the connection information a given interface to some network ''' return
[docs]def add_device_to_blacklist(iface, device_mac_addr): '''Add the given device to the blacklist - 802.11 AP: the device is a client and the result of blacklisting is that the client cannot associate with this node. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def remove_device_from_blacklist(iface, device_mac_addr): '''Remove the given device from the blacklist - 802.11 AP: the device is a client and the result of unblacklisting is that the client can associate with this node. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def disconnect_device(iface, device_mac_addr): '''Disconnects the given device from this node - 802.11 AP: send dissassociation request to client device - 802.11 adhoc: no meaning - Other? ''' return
[docs]def register_new_device(iface, sta_mac_addr): '''Register the given device - 802.11 AP: the device is associated with this AP. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def trigger_channel_switch_in_device(iface, device_mac_addr, target_channel, serving_channel, **kwargs): '''Trigger a channel switch in the device connected to this node - 802.11 AP: send channel switch announcement to client STA, - other?? ''' return
[docs]def get_info_of_connected_devices(): '''Returns information about associated devices - 802.11 AP: info about the associated client devices of that AP. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def get_inactivity_time_of_connected_devices(): '''Returns information about associated devices - inactivity time - 802.11 AP: info about the associated client devices of that AP. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def get_avg_sigpower_of_connected_devices(): '''Returns information about associated devices - link average signal power - 802.11 AP: info about the associated client devices of that AP. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def get_sigpower_of_connected_devices(): '''Returns information about associated devices - link signal power - 802.11 AP: info about the associated client devices of that AP. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def get_tx_retries_of_connected_devices(): '''Returns information about associated devices - tx retries - 802.11 AP: info about the associated client devices of that AP. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def get_tx_packets_of_connected_devices(): '''Returns information about associated devices - tx packets - 802.11 AP: info about the associated client devices of that AP. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def get_tx_failed_of_connected_devices(): '''Returns information about associated devices - tx failed - 802.11 AP: info about the associated client devices of that AP. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def get_tx_bytes_of_connected_devices(): '''Returns information about associated devices - tx bytes - 802.11 AP: info about the associated client devices of that AP. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def get_tx_bitrate_of_connected_devices(): '''Returns information about associated devices - tx bitrate - 802.11 AP: info about the associated client devices of that AP. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def get_rx_bytes_of_connected_devices(): '''Returns information about associated devices - rx bytes - 802.11 AP: info about the associated client devices of that AP. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def get_rx_packets_of_connected_devices(): '''Returns information about associated devices - rx packets - 802.11 AP: info about the associated client devices of that AP. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def get_authorized_connected_device(): '''Returns information about associated devices - is authorized - 802.11 AP: info about the associated client devices of that AP. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def get_authenticated_connected_device(): '''Returns information about associated devices - is authenticated - 802.11 AP: info about the associated client devices of that AP. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def get_used_preamble_connected_device(): '''Returns information about associated devices - preamble used - 802.11 AP: info about the associated client devices of that AP. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def get_mfp_connected_device(): '''Returns information about associated devices - MFP - 802.11 AP: info about the associated client devices of that AP. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def get_wmm_wme_connected_device(): '''Returns information about associated devices - WMM/WME - 802.11 AP: info about the associated client devices of that AP. - Other?? ''' return
[docs]def get_tdls_peer_connected_device(): '''Returns information about associated devices - TDLS peer - 802.11 AP: info about the associated client devices of that AP. - Other?? ''' return